There was a requirement for me, where I need to set/update custom "Person or Group" field column to empty using JSOM
Here is the simple way to do that
Create an empty array
var oUser = new Array();
and pass that empty array to column of type "Person or Group"
listItem.set_item('CustomModifiedBy', oUser)
In the above code snippet, 'CustomModifiedBy' is of type "Person or Group"
Here is the simple way to do that
Create an empty array
var oUser = new Array();
and pass that empty array to column of type "Person or Group"
listItem.set_item('CustomModifiedBy', oUser)
In the above code snippet, 'CustomModifiedBy' is of type "Person or Group"
The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. See the link below for more info.